Add a little more than a teaspoon of white vinegar

I have been delighted with the results of the colors I have tried and my friends have been thrilled to receive them as springtime gifts. The colors are very unusual -- gentle, earthy, soft, and very vibrant, without being harsh like the artificial dyes -- and when I tell people the colors come from plant dyes, they always want to know the origin of each color.

To color these eggs, you boil the eggs with the dyestuff, rather than boiling the eggs separately and they dying them. Here are the general directions: Put raw, white-shelled, organically-raised eggs in a single layer in a pan. Cover with cold water. Add a little more than a teaspoon of white vinegar. Add the natural dyestuff for the color you want your eggs to be. (The more eggs you are dying at a time, the more dye you will need to use, and the more dye you use, the darker the color will be.) Bring water to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Quickly check the eggs for color by removing them from the dye liquid with a Plastic Halloween pumpkin slotted spoon. If the color is as desired, pour off the hot dye liquid and rinse the eggs immediately in cold water to stop the eggs from cooking.

Continue to change the water until it stays cool in the pot because the eggs are no longer releasing heat. Drain and allow eggs to cool in the refrigerator. If you wish a deeper color, strain the hot dye liquid into a container, then rinse the eggs immediately in cold water to stop them from cooking. Continue to change the water until it stays cool in the pot because the eggs are no longer releasing heat. Drain the last of the cold water, then cover the eggs with the strained dye liquid. Add more water if necessary so that the eggs are completely covered. Put into the refrigerator immediately and keep eggs in the refrigerator until the desired shade is achieved. Overnight is good. Longer than about twelve hours some of the colors just get muddier instead of deeper, and the lighter shades are more vibrant.

Try these foods to dye your eggs: Red - Pink -- lots of red onion skins, cranberry juice, or frozen raspberries. Orange -- Yellow onion skins Brown -- Red beet skins or grape juice (produces a beautiful sparkling tan), coffee. Yellow -- Saffron, tumeric or cumin, orange or lemon peels, or celery seed. Green -- spinach, or carrot tops and peels from Yellow Delicious apples for a yellow-green. Blue -- Red cabbage leaves make the most incredible robin's-egg blue. Deep Purple -- Red wine makes a beautiful burgundy color

Choose a time and a date for the event which will be of convenience for your aunt or uncle

Do an Internet search or check local papers for events in your neighborhood. Here are some more 65th birthday ideas you can consider giving to an aunt or uncle who is dear to you:Admission to a dinner concertOne venue that will allow one to enjoy great food as well as relax while listening to great music is a dinner concert. You could buy your aunt and uncle a ticket for two to a dinner concert if they love listening to music. This way, they can pick a schedule at their most convenient time.

Some people may appreciate this because they will be able to choose what they really want. When you treat your uncle or aunt to a wholesale Halloween decoration factory day off at a spa, you would give them the benefit to enjoy a stress-free day from all the loads of hard work they've been doing.A popular store's gift cardA gift card to a popular store is the safest option for you if you do not know much about your aunt or uncle. Put photos, notes, and sentimental descriptions in the scrapbook. Try making a scrapbook that contains all the fond memories you have with your aunt or uncle. Taking into consideration the receiver's personality, passions and hobbies will make it a lot easier for you to pick the best one among the many gifts available.

On your uncle or aunt's special day, give him or her admission to a dinner concert, a spa gift card, a gift with a personal touch, or a popular store's gift card to make him or her feel loved and appreciated. The pressures from work can be so stressful, therefore, a day at the spa can help them relax and unwind from all the tension.A treat to a spaIt is always nice to relax and be pampered.On your aunt or uncle's 65th birthday, express your love and appreciation for her or him through gifts.Your gift to your aunt or uncle will be especially meaningful if you put extra effort and thought into it.Gifts with personal touchFor some people, personalized gifts may be more meaningful than generic gifts. It could be a restaurant, clothing store, sports shop, home improvement center or a boutique you think they will enjoy shopping in.

There are also dinner concerts that offer open dates which are very helpful if you want to keep your treat as a surprise for your aunt or uncle. In addition to all the benefits mentioned, your aunt and uncle can drop by at the spa whenever they have a free time if you choose a gift card that does not have expiration dates. If you are good at knitting, why not make them a cap or a sweater with their name on it? For a more sentimental touch, you can have a CD with your personal messages saved on it and let your aunt or uncle listen to it all over again. Add a personal touch by customizing the frame with beads and other embellishments.

Choose a time and a date for the event which will be of convenience for your aunt or uncle. You can also compare the different spa packages over the Internet since there are many of them that are offered online. There are many gift ideas you can create on your own or simply add a personal touch to. Another great gift is to give your aunt or uncle a photograph which shows both of you or the whole family together